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Why Journalism?

Journalism is an ever-evolving industry, and whatever your field interest there are many ways to see your efforts pay off. As a Journalism intern, you will have the unique chance to give locals a deeper insight into Asia’s events, news, and challenges alike. Analyze the current headlines from your foreign perspective and provide an unbiased view on the happenings.

Internship Tasks

Depending on your skills and availability, placements may vary from magazines, newspapers, online news agencies, websites, and even marketing departments. The work environment will provide you with hands-on experience as you will be asked to get out of your comfort zone by engaging in different locations, be it the countryside, company interviews or social activities by NGOs. All in all, you will not only refine your writing and reporting skills, but also enhance your resume while expanding your own network. Interning in Asia could genuinely help you land that job you have always dreamt of, even in this extremely competitive industry!
Here are some examples of tasks you could be asked to carry out:

  • Developing content for online news agencies and information websites
  • Conducting interviews and research reports and articles
  • Writing reports and articles

  • Proofreading and editing documents from co-workers and third-parties
  • Organizing press events
  • Managing social media platforms to promote the host organization

The list above only shows examples of tasks our previous interns have been involved in. Internship tasks may vary greatly from intern to intern depending on the respective host company.
Note that you will be given a personal supervisor during your internship, who will train and guide you throughout your journey.

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