Hurray and Congratulations! You passed the interview, got accepted and now it’s time to start packing for your internship in Japan, but what should you bring? Don’t worry we got you covered and collected 7 things not to forget when packing for an internship in Japan.

#1 Important Documents
This might seem like a no-brainer, but important documents can be easily forgotten when packing. These documents consist of an up-to-date passport, visa, travel insurance. It can also help to have the address you will be staying at in the local language to make it easier to ask for directions.

#2 Proper Attire
Not only should you dress workplace appropriate, but you should also take into account the type of weather in Japan. The last thing you want is to be stuck with shorts when it is 4 degrees Celsius outside. Find out more about Japan’s weather here.
#3 Outlet Adaptors
Wouldn’t it be great if all outlets in the world were the same type? Sadly, they are not, and an outlet adaptor might be your best friend. Especially when it comes to charging your phone and laptop. (Quick tip: Japan has similar outlets to the United States of America)

#4: A Great Work and Day Bag
This might be easy to disregard, but a reliable bag can make your life 100 times easier. During your internship in Japan, you want to be able to enjoy the experience, instead of carrying all your belongings or dealing with a broken zipper.
#5: A Notebook and a Pen
While on your internship in Japan, you will learn an astonishing amount of things at such a quick pace but being able to make yourself quick notes will give you a chance to reflect on what you learned. It also lets your supervisors know that you are passionate about the internship.
#6: Money (Both cash and card)
Money might be a given, but you don’t want to be stuck with only one method of paying. You can also get extra Kudos from your co-workers by treating them to a cup of coffee.

#7: Great Attitude
Your internship in Japan is what you make the most of, so bring your willingness to learn and the want for the new opportunities. Remember, it’s not how long you work, rather how hard you work.
Now you know what to think of when packing for an internship in Japan. Still searching for that internship? Then have a look at our internship opportunities or apply now to start your journey.