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Pursuing a career in the field of Business Development can be challenging. It is a highly competitive industry and a good academic standing alone will not do the trick. Practical experience is needed. But how can you juggle a busy student life and hands-on work experience at the same time? The answer is easy: A Virtual Business Development Internship! 

Many people are still skeptical about the general concept of a virtual internship. However, recent times are calling for a change of mind. We are currently witnessing how effortlessly work can be done from home and the industry of business development is no exception!

The following lines will show you how you can benefit from remote work and how it will boost your career tremendously.

Freedom and Flexibility 

Being a student can be tough! Keeping up with deadlines, trying to score good marks in exams, and writing term papers until late at night. Sounds familiar? Adding rigid work hours on top of your already exhausting day-to-day life would be damning.

man working on laptop at home with a tired dog on his lap

Luckily, a virtual internship gives you the freedom to arrange your working hours according to your schedule. For instance, you can even work in between your lectures to make the most out of your time available. 

You can further maximize your productivity as you are free to choose where you want to work. Commuting will therefore no longer eat up your valuable time. 

Sit down in a nice café, find a quiet spot at your university, or simply stay home. Whatever works best! You are in full control of your actions. This way you can completely focus on your business development strategies and excel in your virtual internship.

International experience from home

Intercultural competences are becoming more and more important for all sorts of businesses. From small start-ups to incumbent firms, they all depend on foreign markets. 

However, you don’t need to leave the country to impress your future employer with multicultural experience. A virtual internship gives you the chance to profit from modern communication channels. You are no longer bound to geographical limitations to build up international communication skills.

woman doing a virtual business call with international clients

Calls with business partners and clients from all around the globe are a fixed component of a virtual internship. You will quickly learn how to adapt to the different cultures you are dealing with. Certainly, after this virtual business development Internship, you will be ready to tackle any market!

Get the full experience!

Contrary to what people might expect, a virtual internship thrives from regular interactions with your colleagues. You will not be working in your isolated home office with no human contact just because you are a virtual Intern. In fact, not being present in person means that you have to be extra careful to stay in touch with your team.  

Give frequent feedback and keep everyone updated about your progress. Be proactive and ask your colleagues whenever a question arises. This way you will not miss any opportunity to get the full experience of working with established professionals. 

The people behind the company you are placed in will do their best to include you in all the processes. But above all, it is primarily on you to make the most of your internship!

Improve and diversify your skillset

Virtual Internships demand you to be organized and structured. Not seeing your boss in person doesn’t mean he will be easy on you. 

The industry of business development can be tough but doing an internship will help you to master all requirements needed in the respective field. Following the principle of “learning by doing” you will quickly get a hang on how to consult clients.

Most importantly, try your best. For example, help your clients achieve development for their business or create strategies to expand their markets! Give it a go and watch yourself grow.

young business man being successful and smiling in front of a tall building

A virtual business development internship is a great chance to develop yourself and to figure out how you can work most efficiently. Your dedication and know-how will be fruitful one day. Just keep striving for improvement and the world of business development will be yours!

Are you motivated now to leave all your competitors behind and kick-start your career?
Well, then get started and apply for your virtual internship at https://www.meijiinternships.com/apply-now/.

If you don’t feel confident with working remotely yet, you can read through our other blogs! We will show you the great advantages of a virtual internship and how you can make it work best. 

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