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Are you considering choosing IT as your career path? Then Taiwan is your must-go destination!

Being a world-class leader in the high-tech supply chain, Taiwan derives a fifth of its economy from exporting electronics. As a result, the East Asian country has attracted well-known international technology companies for decades.

Personal computer manufacturers Acer Inc. and Asus, as well as smartphone vendor HTC, are just some examples of major global companies that headquarter in Taiwan. Clearly, it is no surprise that there are hundreds of smaller local companies that tag along riding the wave of success.

So if you wish to land a position in this innovative yet highly competitive industry, why not seize the opportunity and intern in one of the world’s fastest-growing economies?

Conducting an IT internship in Taiwan will not only smoothen your way into the field, but also help you develop essential skills for your future career. You will undertake a number of different tasks: From maintaining software, hardware, and other systems to providing technical assistance to conducting data and systems analysis.

While acquiring new skills in your field of interest, you will also gain insight into the day-to-day life of the Taiwanese society. In times of globalization, cultural awareness and intercultural experiences have become essential when working in a world-class company. Employers expect intercultural communication skills, so you will have a professional advantage returning home after interning in a culture that is different from your own.

Naturally, living abroad is always a challenging adventure. As the Taiwanese culture leans towards the conservative and hierarchical end of the spectrum, life is highly ritualized. This leads to a number of behavioural rules. Still, although the culture is generally influenced by Chinese standards of formality and modesty, Taiwan is becoming increasingly westernised.

All in all, you will clearly benefit from immersing yourself in the Taiwanese work life. To name but a few, you will be able to further your self-confidence, teamwork, and problem-solving skills as well as grow both personally as well as professionally.

So choosing to work in Taiwan and enrolling in one of our IT internships will definitely be a future-shaping experience that will leave a lasting impression, not only on you, but also on future employers!