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Being from Singapore, home has always been a concrete jungle, an array of high-rise buildings and plants that were placed there intentionally. Therefore it has always been a dream of mine to experience living in a city that is surrounded by beautiful, natural beaches, mountains and countryside. My favourite Fukuoka getaways  offered me just that.

Fukuoka was the perfect choice for me as it was a good balance of city life but also only an hour’s train ride to the nearest countryside.

Fukuoka was welcoming to foreigners and international partners so blending in here was not an issue. In addition, I got the chance to meet many people from all walks of life here and visited beautiful places in Japan.

In this takeover I’ll be showing you the Fukuoka getaways I’ve done that will forever be etched on my memories.

#1 Itoshima

Itoshima is a small city on the northwest coast of Fukuoka prefecture and everyone here knows it for its beautiful beaches and peaceful countryside. The stunning coastlines were beautiful and I could even see small islands along with it. The Torii gate was a picture-perfect spot with the two rocks, known as marriage rocks, behind it. I dipped my feet in beautiful waterfalls and drove through rice fields late at night hearing the insects creek.


#2 Yanagawa

Yanagawa was my first trip with fellow international students/interns. It took us about an hour’s train ride to get to a quiet countryside with rivers going through the suburban city. I can honestly see why it was given the nickname “Venice of Asia”.


#3 Shikanoshima

Shikanoshima Island was simply beautiful, the water was clear and the beaches were not overcrowded like Momochi seaside beach. It was also my first road trip with my host. We went to Marine World where I watched my first dolphin show – it was incredible! I never knew that animals and humans were able to work that well together. Afterwards, we drove to Shikanoshima on roads decorated with beautiful sunflowers.

#4 Aburayama BBQ

BBQ in the mountains of Aburayama is a memory I’ll hold dear to my heart. My boxing club (Hakata Kyoei Boxing Club) organized the trip. As a competitive amateur boxer, my initial goal was to look for a boxing club to stay in shape and keep fit during my stay here in Japan. However, they gave me so much more than that. I was treated as though I was part of their boxing family, which meant a lot to me. That was the last thing I expected being a foreigner here in Japan. They took me in with open arms and were even eager to learn more about my country and my background.

#5 Yusentei Park

Yusentei park is one of the first places I’ve visited here in Fukuoka. It was located close to my host’s house, so it was the perfect place for him to introduce Fukuoka to me. It was only a 10 minutes drive and that is what I love about Fukuoka getaways. A short car ride and you’ll be up in the mountains surrounded by beautiful nature and stunning historical architecture in no time.


Fukuoka was a real eye-opening experience for me that broadened my horizons exposing me to the beautiful nature of Japan. It gave me a headstart over others thanks to this international experience.


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