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As the weather is getting warmer it’s time for some summer clothes to put on and go out for some Clam Digging!

Yes, you read it right. Clam Digging or also known as Shiohigari (潮干狩り) is a common seasonal activity for families and friends alike. Especially popular in Fukuoka as the city is surrounded by great bays, beaches and rivers where it makes a fun activity for a chilled out day-off on the weekend.

We recommend Muromi River (室見川) and Imazu Bay (今津海岸) for finding some yummy clams. The best season is until end of May and you can have a look at this info graphic for the best time to go.)
The Blue color displays the best time to go (Light Blue is less favorable, Dark Blue is prime time)
The Green Bar displays the daytime (From 11am to 7pm).

Here are some useful words to know:
Toreta? (とれた)– Caught something?
Asari (アサリ)– Japanese littleneck
Mategai (マテ貝)– Gould’s razor shell
Ōkī (大きい)– big
Chīsai (小さい)– small
Horu (ほる)– to dig