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If you consider choosing business development as your career path, then Japan is your must-go destination. Japan is not the 3rd largest economy in the world for nothing. As a regional and international trade hub with high-standard infrastructures, Japan has attracted various businesses for decades. In order to land a position in this fast-growing yet highly competitive industry, what could be more valuable than a Business Development internship in Japan, the world’s economic powerhouse?

Conducting a business development internship in Japan is one way to smoothen your entry into the field. The archipelago is not only home to world-class firms, but also promising startup companies. Recently, there has been a countless number of talented young entrepreneurs who have wished to enter the Japanese market. Business development experts are crucial to all types of organizations, so opportunities to land an internship in the business development industry are booming.

Interning in Japan will undoubtedly boost your international career because it will help you to gain a deep insight into the very workings of the Japanese society. You will be exposed to different international stakeholders and learn the ways of the Far East, which greatly differ from that of the West. In an ever-globalizing world, a multicultural workforce becomes all the more important for employers. As a foreigner in Japan, you will also discover your competitive advantage and see how your own personal background can contribute businesses for your time there. It is essential for business development professionals to have a diversified set of skills and body of knowledge.

If you choose to do an Internship in Japan, it will be a future-shaping experience. Japanese companies tend to choose their interns very carefully, and consider them potential employees. Even though an internship does not always lead to hiring, these cases are not unknown in the Land of the Rising Sun. You will be treated as any other staff member, and be part of the family. Therefore, your co-workers will see to it that you make the most of your time there and keep you busy with diverse tasks, so your internship will be extremely rewarding. Similarly, you will gain the satisfaction of seeing your efforts paying off by assisting companies to succeed in Japan.

The truth is, doing an internship in Japan is a challenging adventure, yet one of the kind that will genuinely help you to grow both personally and professionally. Working together with highly qualified and experience professionals, you will gain confidence and hands-on experience, two assets sought out by students and young professionals alike. Enrolling in one of our business development internships is a unique chance to prove that you take on a leadership role.